But he seemed to speak for many local Iraqis in describing the predicament faced by the Americans.
But many local Iraqis say the Americans' problems run deeper and broader.
Many local Iraqis were openly hostile; the battle for the hearts and minds of the population was set back months, if not years.
But here at the site of one of the operation's primary targets, local Iraqis said they were uncertain what that message was supposed to be.
The marines are still pursuing a modified campaign to win the hearts and minds of local Iraqis.
These days, however, the military is making new efforts to help local Iraqis feel safe and secure in their homes.
The man's story was endorsed by several local Iraqis who stood nearby.
But local Iraqis have said it was a secret factory where nuclear and chemical scientists worked.
BUT to local Iraqis, such attacks can look less than precise.
American officers and local Iraqis disagreed about who fired first.