Religious persecution of the local Catholics exacerbated the discontent, which turned into open revolt in 1637.
The admission shocked and angered many local Catholics, some of whom said the latest controversy involving the church hit too close to home.
But the best solution would be a compromise between local Catholics and Protestants.
However several issues came to the fore to animate hostility from the local Catholics.
Almost immediately, his colleagues sought revenge on local Catholics.
The academy opened in 1892, but closed in 1894 from a lack of support by local Catholics.
This came after years of local Catholics having to fight Protestant opposition to establish a parish.
The church was built for local Catholics of Polish ancestry.
In 1857 there were reports of riots between local Catholics and Protestants.
The church spent 3 million and local Catholics donated about 2 million for the 26 million project, while the rest was paid by the government.