We know that after a year or two, our local baker, greengrocer, butcher and chemist will close because you have provided all these things.
In some versions a local baker who offered him bread suffered a similar fate.
The evening was rounded-off with the cutting of a large cake which had been made and presented by the local baker.
According to it, he asked his wife not to take credit from the local baker despite their extreme poverty.
Initially they bought bagels from a local Jewish baker but went on to produce their own.
She stood then walked stiffly towards a local baker's.
After his confirmation, Eriksson became an apprentice with a local baker.
A local baker tossed them a $10 bill.
Passing my local baker on the way home just closing up for the night, she jumps out and buys 100 of the more familiar shapes.
Recently my local baker told me the stoneground organic loaf I was buying would be the last.