His role as a volunteer fund-raiser certainly was helped by the fact that he runs the lobbying operation and is chief spokesman for a Florida railroad.
You can see from this that there is nothing more productive than having a good lobbying operation with the federal government.
Casino companies weighed in with huge lobbying operations, fighting both for and against the measure.
"But afterward," he said, "she headed Monsanto's lobbying operation while the company was trying to head off any government oversight of genetically engineered crops."
The Chamber of Commerce has vastly expanded its lobbying operation here.
The organization influences many votes in Congress because it has a formidable lobbying operation and a large war chest.
"The lobbying operation goes beyond visits to offices," he said.
But the report suggested that several of the charities had taken actions to benefit his lobbying operation that should put their tax-exempt status in question.
The state has a lobbying operation here, as do Connecticut and New Jersey.
And the parent companies all have their own individual lobbying operations based in Washington.