This move to lobby other nations for a swift transfer of some sovereignty is going down poorly in Washington, according to the Iraqi leader's aides.
India successfully lobbied fellow nations to prevent any mention of caste discrimination.
Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers put forward a plan for streamlining the fund late last year, and has been lobbying European nations and Japan to back his proposals.
Italy has offered to contribute as many as 3,000 troops, and its prime minister, Romano Prodi, has lobbied other nations to do the same.
Japan, particularly when lobbying African nations, argues that diversification of the anti-whaling argument outside of conservation is a threat to their national interest.
Countries that have not signed the treaty cannot vote on an extension, but they can lobby signer nations.
But Mr. Summers lobbied other wealthy nations and some major developing countries and persuaded enough board members to reverse that result, people involved in the vote said.
While the conference does not take place until June, the United States needs several months to lobby other nations to share its position.
Rahman would continue to lobby Muslim nations in the Middle East to decline diplomatic recognition to Bangladesh.
It is currently lobbying nations for recognition during the stalled peace talks with Israel.