Federal law bars high-ranking officials from lobbying their former agencies for one year after leaving office.
He has been lobbying local agencies to make sure downed trees are no longer wasted.
The revolving-door laws bar public officials from lobbying their former agencies for a year after leaving government service.
Under those laws former high-ranking officials are forbidden to lobby their old agencies for a year after leaving Government.
The current rules prohibit the appointees from lobbying their former agencies for only one year after leaving office.
Employees in the executive branch are already subject to a one-year ban on lobbying their own agencies.
Among those rules are provisions barring appointees from lobbying their former agencies for five years after they leave office.
I also lobby statutory agencies, county councils and voluntary organisations.
Similarly, employees of the state executive branch cannot lobby their former agencies for two years after quitting their jobs.
Mr. Clinton had required transition officials to sign agreements promising not to lobby agencies they reviewed for at least six months.