"The loan volume is down to a trickle compared with what it was three months ago," he said.
It also bans arrangements in which universities are paid for loan volume.
Some may originate a large loan volume exceeding that of a nationwide commercial bank.
While loan volume is still increasing, the pace of growth declined at many banks, analysts said.
He is scouring the country for operations doing $5 million to $8 million a month in loan volume.
The report added that the deal did not work out in Citibank's favor and that its loan volume decreased the next year.
The weak loan volume has led to an industrywide consolidation.
The decline in refinancings and overall loan volume may put many smaller mortgage brokers out of business.
This has allowed primary market debt issuers to increase loan volume and decrease the risks associated with individual loans.
In 2012, loan volume was approximately $300 million, and company assets approximated $1.6 billion.