The Wylie bill set no strict conditions on savings and loan regulators, but called for them to enhance their auditing procedures.
The reports show that he pressured Federal savings and loan regulators in a way that they testifed "crossed the line."
Madison Guaranty was seized by Federal savings and loan regulators in 1989 at a cost of more than $60 million in public money.
M. Danny Wall, the nation's top savings and loan regulator, said today that he had given no thought to resigning.
But if the nation's savings and loan regulators have their way, that aspect of capitalism may itself wither.
Federal savings and loan regulators announced a new enforcement policy that focuses on active institutions, not failed ones.
Recent experience with the assurances of savings and loan regulators should make us skeptical.
Cravath is also representing the Federal savings and loan regulators in the liquidation.
In the broadest sweep yet this year, Federal savings and loan regulators today placed 37 insolvent institutions in six states under their direct control.
The testimony by the nation's former top savings and loan regulator came in the fourth day of hearings into the failure of Lincoln.