Guttentag developed three categories of certification for loan providers.
If you are providing outsourced services to a loan provider you should read paragraph 4.11 of this notice.
Commercial loan providers, such as insurance companies, building societies and microloan organisations, may have deals more appropriate to your needs.
These include commercial loan providers, peer group, social and community lending or government funding schemes.
These include commercial loan providers (such as insurance companies and building societies), peer group lenders and community development finance institutions.
President Clinton seriously thinks that the department should become America's third-largest bank, displacing private loan providers.
The company is an online-only broker which sells its policies independently of loan providers.
Don't use loan sharks or unregulated loan providers to bail you out of cashflow crises.
There are many loan providers that will provide cash quickly, you should always consider the risks fully.
The obvious source of funding is a bank or commercial loan provider but this isn't the only option.