California is home to nine of the country's ten largest institutions and accounts for nearly a quarter of all savings and loan assets.
Direct modifications are actions that change the subsidy cost by altering the terms of existing contracts or by selling loan assets.
Yet 9.5 percent of the unit's loan assets are classified as nonperforming, even after the government took some bad loans off its books.
The nation's eight housing companies, seven of which will be liquidated, have a total of about $125 billion in loan assets.
At its height, Lytton's financial empire represented one-fifth of all savings and loan assets in the United States.
Mortgage-Backed Securities More than $131.5 billion of savings and loan assets have been placed in conservatorship.
Buy guaranteed securities, loan assets, savings bonds and more.
"I would merely say that looking at our loan assets around the world, we think 3.2 percent is appropriate."
Cosmo has about $5.7 billion in loan assets.
Both factors have led to a sharp drop in the value of these loan assets.