The loads a bike like this will be asked to deal with vary a lot: luggage, passenger, both together.
If the load varies to a marked degree, the neutral plane will shift proportionately, and the brushes will not be the correct position at all times.
For example, the applied load (stress) on a mechanical part may vary.
The enclosed cabin includes a cargo area that is located on the aircraft's center of gravity, eliminating trim changes as the load varies.
Structural design codes are based upon the assumption that both the loads and the material strengths vary with a normal distribution.
The total load connected to the power grid can vary significantly over time.
During the night its load varied between 10 and 610 MW.
As the load on mill engines and similar uses could vary, closed-loop control such as the engine speed-based centrifugal governor was also needed.
Since viral load can vary from day to day, the trend over time is used to determine if the infection is getting worse.
The total load varies for different missiles between around 100W to several kW.