This is facilitated without loading the game as the game engine is already running within the editor.
The only thing that I don't like is the silly little protection book that contains pictorial passwords which must be looked up after loading the game.
The graphical limitations stem from the design decision that the game disc is only needed when first loading the game.
On loading the game, the player has to listen to around two minutes of music from the movie soundtrack without any ability to skip the sequence.
They each open with the man sitting on a large bed loading the game with his laptop.
Both you and the other player must click OK to begin loading the game.
Here the player can load and save the game, change settings, hire new mercenaries or sleep until the next day.
Please ask an adult for help if you cannot load the game.
To use it, players load cheat codes through a disk or cartridge, then load the game to use them.
Later revisions either included a switch, hid if been opened and closed the menu before loading the game, or automatically hid.