He concluded one man could load 45 tons of pig iron a day, not the standard 12 1/2.
Here iron weights were loaded, four tons at a time.
The next day, Bagaduce loaded nine tons of dry provisions and delivered them to that ravaged city.
Seabrook was completed in October 1986, when workers finished loading 100 tons of uranium into the reactor vessel.
The ship loaded 6,000 tons of oil in Abädän, Iran.
YOU load 16 tons, and what do you get?
Mr. Erickson's coal automaton can load 16 tons in less than a minute.
It loaded 1800 tons of bagged grain and sailed to Europe in February 1879.
The ship completed loading some 300 tons (270 tonnes) of stores by 04:00 on 17 February.
She loaded approximately 194,000 tons of light crude oil to be discharged in Genoa.