These small lizard-like animals quickly gave rise to many descendants.
They're those big, hairless, lizard-like animals you saw pulling carts.
This is further developed by appearance of lizard-like animals (which resemble small dinosaurs) that reside in the jungles on the island.
This lizard-like animal was able to spread its ribs and glide on wing-like membranes.
It was a small, lizard-like animal, about 20 to 30 cm (8-12 in) long, with numerous sharp teeth indicating an insectivorous diet.
Leptopleuron was a small, lizard-like animal that reached 40 cm long.
There were a half-dozen bright-green lizard-like animals, standing in a group near the trailer.
It was a long-legged lizard-like small animal with a length about 30 cm.
The vertebrate fauna it preserved included crocodilians, phytosaurs, and lizard-like animals.
They were semi-aquatic lizard-like animals with long limbs (called pachypleurosaurs).