The living-room furniture was heavy and dark.
It's very unlikely that extraterrestrial beings, evolved on another quite different world, would resemble us sufficiently to share our preferences in living-room furniture.
The living-room furniture was definitely old-fashioned, and seemed a fair sample of the whole mansion.
Nonetheless, with a secure job and a sparsely furnished apartment, Ms. Petriccione is planning to buy some living-room furniture.
I covered the living-room furniture with clear plastic covers.
There was living-room furniture arranged in front of a desk.
The living-room furniture was overstuffed brown velour.
And if Rina had the inclination, maybe they'd look at new living-room furniture as well.
The band Live sat among living-room furniture and played a largely acoustic set of painfully earnest songs seeking spiritual fulfillment.
The living-room furniture had been moved aside to the walls, and three tables had been set end to end, the length of the room, to accommodate everyone.