Calico itself is an old West mining town which was restored as a living-history museum by Walter Knott, who then gave it to the county.
It's easy for children to fantasize about the life of an old-time sailor in this 19-acre living-history museum.
The farm is one of dozens of living-history museums in the United States that are populating their fields with historically accurate animals.
The Pioneer Village, created in 1930, was America's first living-history museum.
Many living-history museums provide continuing classes for their interpreters.
Jamestown Festival Park, a living-history museum, features an Indian village, fort and replicas of three ships on which settlers arrived.
A. If you'd like to visit sites on your own, a new program created by eight outdoor living-history museums offers four self-guided tours.
A living-history steam-engine museum chronicles the town's long association with the Russian Railways.
This is the largest outdoor living-history museum in the country.
It also plans to open a research center there, and convert Ker-Feal, Barnes's crumbling Chester County estate, into a living-history museum.