Local residents were mainly livestock husbandry was less developed.
Antonius thought of livestock husbandry as a psychological experiment, in which one could study the typal and differentiated characteristics of the animals.
Due to the harsh climate, the inhabitants concern themselves principally with livestock husbandry, relying on summer grazing in high pastures.
The Soil Association, an independent regulating organic association, has set out standards for livestock husbandry which guarantees animals a decent life.
Besides extensive livestock husbandry, the Xianbei were also engaged at a limited scale in farming and handicraft.
The organization seeks to bring together the local community, and to confront ignorance, disease, poor livestock husbandry, environmental degradation, and poverty.
Publications sold include books on conservation and genetics, livestock husbandry, farming operations and breed guides.
In 1913-14, Walker built "Innisfree Farm" to further his interest in livestock husbandry.
We should also be open to the use of alternative methods, such as homeopathy and phytotherapy, in livestock husbandry.
The five freedoms were originally developed from a UK Government report on livestock husbandry in 1965.