To make things more lively, the light source also includes a color wheel that can change colors rhythmically and simulate the effect of flickering.
Maybe 10 tables were occupied, but the liveliest things on view were the vibrant murals.
Play it; play some- thing light and lively.
Trap decided that a crisp was not the most lively thing to be, since crisps didn't wander.
The food is not the only lively thing here; Brazilians eat late, and as the night gets older, the restaurant takes on the air of a party.
One fleshed shadow is easier to posit than that all those snapping lively things were the shadows.
Every once in a while you come across a farm or some dead little town where the liveliest thing is the flies.
She's really pretty wholesome, as are all of the lively young things in "Babes," which is not to say they are without sexual instincts.
With issues like these bubbling up, Mr. West keeps things lively and surprising.