These days it absorbs the spread from Camden Town and has many lively pubs, live music venues, and restaurants.
The Gallaghers ran a lively pub, but a tidy one as well.
The Samba also has its own lively pub called the victory, ideal for early evening drinks.
Most Sydneysiders prefer its dance clubs and lively pubs, which are often called hotels.
The market and its lively pubs are a feature.
Cool off with a beer in the shaded garden of this lively pub.
The name can be translated as "a lively pub".
There are also two lively pubs, a basket ball court and river activities such as fishing and rafting.
My advice would be to go when you are feeling gregarious and eat in the lively pub, not the staid parlor.
The restaurant features local fresh seafood and a lively pub with impromptu sing-alongs.