And he sat down to the piano, and rattled a lively piece of music.
This lively piece of entertainment is too cartoonish to feel threatening.
The piece in whole is quite a lively piece, with the use of the gypsy scale.
One or two of these adroitly brushed works are among the liveliest pieces in the exhibition.
It can be assumed that Mozart played or improvised this lively piece in one of those concerts, the programs to which are lost.
However, it is a fun, lively and exciting piece to play and to listen to.
This is a lively piece of old Scottish dialect adopted by the modern military.
Sadly, for it was a lively, largely autobiographical piece, it would never see the light of day.
I figured that if these lively pieces with a message at their hearts had meant so much to me, other children would like them, too.
The work begins as a brighter, livelier piece than the Sixth, but by the end it takes a dark, almost sinister turn.