But, unlike most other opera companies, City Opera has cast the show with a whole roster of lively performers with backgrounds in musical theater.
Sam Bush is known as one of the liveliest performers at these festivals, and makes many guest appearances with the other artists.
These lively performers have faces of clay and torsos and limbs of wood, cardboard, feathers, fur and tinfoil.
So Mr. Gietz, a dashing and lively young performer, snaked his way warily through the violin section so he could sit nearby and listen too.
It was created by two of England's livelier performers, Young and Downing, whose Aston Villa understanding shone throughout the first half.
These lithe, very lively performers bring a bright new complexion to the Broadway version, making another visit to the Shubert Theater essential.
He is one of the liveliest performers on the Namibian local scene.
It recruited some lively performers with musical theater backgrounds and tapped Jeremy Irons and Juliet Stevenson, two accomplished actors with makeshift voices, as leads.
As with any work involving indeterminate elements, the imagination and sensitivity of the performers is everything, and these lively performers took the score to heart.
She is a lively and dramatic performer of her work and reads regularly at venues throughout Australia.