First he still had his marbles, was in full possession of a lively and funny mind.
Only one is still (as of early 2012) living in England at age 95, frail but with a clear, lively mind.
Through it all, however, one is constantly aware of a lively musical mind at work.
Yet he had a lively and inquisitive mind, making good grades without effort.
With her lively mind, Caroline developed into a scholar of considerable ability.
Class conflict was in any case a preoccupation among lively minds of their age.
Well-brought-up women usually are, but in her case it helped that she had an alert, lively mind.
She was in high spirits, and surrounded by those who were giving all the support of their own bad sense to her too lively mind.
All those who knew her will miss her warm personality and lively mind.
But the sensations came too quickly now, and her lively mind was overwhelmed.