Never, in the whole voyage, did our crew spring to it in more lively fashion.
And lively fashion was needed to save our gear.
Bakker, himself a talented artist, often illustrated his ideas in a lively fashion.
He had assembled his information carefully and presented it in a lively and interesting fashion.
Then he laughed at me in his old lively and superior fashion.
His audiences responded in lively fashion to the Senator's appeal for support, and local officials were optimistic about party chances in their states.
In the meantime, his small spring collection is full of the sort of lively fashions young women with good figures will look great wearing.
At the very least it makes for a lively fashion dual.
But she soon revived, and everyone danced in a lively fashion again, sometimes performing steps that were mirror images of each other.
In other words, at its very best, travel writing should be a technique to explore history, art, and politics in the liveliest fashion possible.