Amsterdam: Foreign demand boosted share prices, which ended a lively day firmer.
Everyone had a most lively, interesting and focussed day.
Deals were few, and those that did occur took more work for less commission than in the livelier days of the 80's.
Cliff is going to have a lively day while we sleep off the food and the booze, Jack.
She was a handful during the day, smart and lively, full of questions about everything, but now she looked like an angel.
This revival, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in November, has definitely seen livelier days.
It is not the custom of the city to entertain at home; restaurants are lively every day of the week.
April 19 was a lively day during the Blockade of Wonsan.
One of the liveliest days of the campaign came during the first week.
It's already a lively day on the equality front.