Family groups crowd the few tables in the dining room, keeping up a lively banter in Spanish with the staff.
"I must say, this lively banter is all going much better than the usual scripted stuff."
Accounts of watching football composed by ordinary spectators emphasize how familiar many people were to one another, the wide age-range, and the lively banter.
Watching a game of scopa can be a highly entertaining activity, since games traditionally involve lively, colorful, and somewhat strong-worded banter in between hands.
And he kept up a lively banter, never running out of breath, as he pumped steadily along.
The point is that ideas and issues do infiltrate the generally lively banter of "Politically Incorrect."
They were having a good time too, sipping tea and exchanging lively banter.
Vaughn enjoyed the lively banter, a welcome change in tone for him from the last few days.
After another half hour of lively sexist banter and innuendo, I am asked to leave and threatened with having dogs set upon me.
The surface lightness of tone derives partly from the lively banter of this administrative duo.