It is also where most of the people in the country live, with a population of about 32,000.
The village continued to expand and is today a popular and convenient place to live with a population of around 7000.
I do live in a student town with a large Chinese population, but I do think this approach would work elsewhere.
The Saraw are listed as living in one village with a population of 510, of which 140 were men and 370 were woman and children.
Still, a very significant community of Filipino Spanish-speakers lived in the bigger cities, with a total population of roughly 300,000.
About 160,000 Azerbaijanis live in Armenia, a republic with a population of 3.1 million.
In the 150-apartment rental development in which I live, with a mixed population of young singles, families and retirees, the rent is continually going up.
Now it's an entirely appealing place to live, with a very cosmopolitan population.
I live in a small village in Hampshire with a population of 2 500 people.
By the mid-1920s more than 140 Jewish families lived in Kinston, a town with a population of only 8,000.