Early Anasazi camped in the open or lived in caves seasonally.
Beezy Bailey is married with two children and lives seasonally in Cape Town and London.
It has been suggested that adaptations for migration would be more valuable for insects that live in habitats where resource availability changes seasonally.
For centuries Maori seasonally lived by Lake Tutira and you can see the remains of six pa sites.
Little of the money comes from alumni; most is from local businesses and residents, including some who live in the area seasonally.
They had been living seasonally in a garden-style condominium in Boca Raton, which they owned.
The Akimel O'otham also lived in temporary field houses seasonally, to tend their crops.
Many Athenians live in the community permanently or seasonally.
The early Anasazi camped in the open or lived in caves seasonally.
The Thaua people and Ngarigo people lived in this area seasonally.