Not if we live righteously, by Egg and Oath.
"Go Seek Your Rights" intermingles the expected message of requiring righteous treatment with an appeal to living righteously.
No one can believe in righteousness without living righteously.
Usually the process involves personal decisions, like taking courses, dieting, cutting hair or trying to live righteously.
The Revenantists believed that if they lived righteously and died enough, they'd be reborn repeatedly, until they got it right.
The songs in the Songbook help young children learn to live righteously and keep God's commandments.
The Book of Job begins with an introduction to Job's character-he is described as a blessed man who lives righteously.
Students learn how to live righteously while engaged in diverse social and athletic activities and challenging academic programs.
If they didn't want to reform, accept the Lord, join the church, and live righteously, then burn them in hell.
"Help his woman find her husband so she can get her divorce and live righteously."