In 1797 she entered a residence for noblewomen in Frankfurt, an institution in which poor unmarried aristocratic ladies were cared for and could live respectably while still keeping an eye out for a suitable marriage partner.
Instead he added, "Or we will live respectably once we are married, of course."
Is this amount sufficient for family of two ppl to live respectably in safe and modern part of Mexico City?
Fitzgerald was of an old Virginia family, of Nottoway County, where many relatives lived respectably.
I accepted his theories without thinking much about them, and I had managed to live respectably without any religious belief.
So far as I know, she lives sensibly and respectably.
Mr. Grewgious arranges for Rosa to rent a place from Mrs. Billickin and arranges for Miss Twinkleton to live with her there so that she can live there respectably.
Thornton and his wife settled in Toronto, where they lived respectably and became active in the antislavery cause.
The Dreamy Gentleman - The unobtainable knight of Other's dreams, the Dreamy Gentleman chose to marry his plain cousin Mealy Mouth and live respectably.
They were people of a sort very common in America today, who live respectably from hand to mouth.