Simon figures in the first chapter of the novel because Ashley's father worries that Simon is living recklessly.
To live recklessly.
As a member of a rich and respectable family, he lived recklessly and often in debauchery.
It would be unforgivable to wallow in the joy of living recklessly if it meant leaving our comrades with nothing amusing to shout.
Later that night, Daryl encourages Jane to stop living a life of doubt and learn to enjoy herself by living recklessly.
Life was a compromise, when for people like herself and Marcus who knew how to live recklessly, it should have been glorious.
If your name is on Death's list, all the precautions in the world are futile, so you might as well live recklessly.
"I was taking life for granted, living recklessly," he said.
In the family dynamic, maybe she'd been designated to live recklessly, just as Bass lived with vanity, idleness, and self-indulgence.
No more will I live recklessly, walking an unsteady line along the very edge of sanity.