If there were intelligences there, they would have to live principally from the sea and its products.
They live principally on weeds, but a few (including the box elder bug) are arboreal.
Raroians live principally on fishing, copra cultivation, and pearl farming.
They have plenty hides; I live principally on the same.
This species lives principally off of saltwater molluscs, crustaceans and small fish.
It was interesting, in a way, to know that the man snored and lived principally on vitamin pills.
These ancient people lived principally upon sour milk, so went the story.
Stock moved to Cairo in 1990 where he lived principally for the next 20 years.
Towards the close of his life he suffered from bad health and lived principally in the country.
They tend to live principally around the old Arab city centre (the Casbah).