His family was rich, his home comfortable, and he never went near those of his own kind who lived more precariously.
After living precariously in the old shacks among the salt tips, she one day knocked on the door of Ransom's cabin.
He lives precariously for the next two years pursuing this profession.
Many of them are already living precariously.
For the thousands who lived precariously in trailer parks or migrant labor camps, the situation is even more onerous.
Always, like everything to do with this island, throughout its entire history, the coral lived precariously, poised between catastrophes.
'Humans have to live so precariously,' Hester went on.
That's when basics like food and shelter become uncertainties, when every day is about living precariously.
An additional 600,000 have left their houses and are living precariously in Kosovo.
They live precariously, at the edge of disaster, with no health or any other form of insurance.