Some viewers in certain areas have a live option.
"That deposit fee is not a live option," Senator Jake Garn, Republican of Utah, said today.
Returning the refugees to Cuba does not seem a live option.
The opposite of this process is not falsification, but rather the belief ceases to be a "live option."
The goal in my interactions with students is to create live options for living in the world and not feeling schizophrenic.
Not only is Richardson misusing James's technical terms of "live and dead options" (which James applied to hypotheses about the world, not argumentative strategies).
This remains a live option.
When one considers the potential value that exists at Shoreham for Long Island, I would still consider it a live option.
"All of a sudden," says one Princeton faculty member, "you've got a critical mass of conservative adults on campus, and conservative views become live options for students."
"We are pursuing this investigation with alacrity, and sanctions are a very real, live option if these activities are found to be sanctionable after our investigation is completed."