During one of the races in the fifth series, a baby stopped crawling and took their first steps live on the show.
You know as well as I do she can't keep that up for long, living on caffeine, her nerves, and the late show.
Billy Mitchell was a frequent guest, and even played Pacman live on the show.
They played Caravan live on the show.
Later, live on the show, they have to model their outfits with style.
This is the first time that the host spoke English and had an English interview live on the show.
We've been doing a lot of math live on the show lately, calculating numbers of bits.
She was also intensely fingered by Olivier de Paris live on the show.
It was filmed in Baltimore, where his family lived during his five years on the show.
In 2011, Sinéad O'Connor announced her fourth marriage live on the show.