Death, with which they lived so intimately, could not be detached from their lives as an object of contemplation.
The play's power is that it makes us live through every one of these choices intensely and intimately.
How you can live with someone so intimately, so long, and yet never know them.
Besides, there's something remarkable about any creature that lives even more intimately with paper than humans do.
And like anthropologists, they get their material by living intimately with their subjects over time.
The galactic man was no doubt used to these things, having by his own admission lived intimately with a woman for several years.
It is a practice in which a man and a woman live intimately without engaging in any sexual activities.
It was what Jesus would have done had He lived intimately with animals.
John Smith lived intimately with possibilities that other men could not even imagine, and in his dreaming he forced them to become reality.
Living so intimately with death obviously breeds a curiosity and fear, even terror.