Other E. coli can live harmlessly in animals and humans.
Some versions live harmlessly in us our entire lives, while others trigger nation-wide recalls because of their lethal contamination of our food supply.
The bacteria began its life harmlessly living in the digestive tracts of mammals.
Some skeptics have suggested that the Helicobacter is an innocent bystander, living harmlessly in stomachs, although that view is rapidly losing ground.
Most E. coli bacteria live harmlessly in the intestines of humans.
Mokele-mbembe: Apatosaurus-like dinosaurs that live harmlessly in The Congo.
E. coli 0157:H7 is a variant of one of the most common bacteria that live harmlessly by the billions in the human gut.
They're like parasites, or young diseases that haven't learned how to live harmlessly within a host.
Aggressive chemotherapy and organ transplants disable the body's disease-fighting weapons, enabling fungi, which usually live harmlessly in soil or our own bodies, to strike.