They decide to find the cats that live downstream, which comes into the present, and is SkyClan.
Renewed activity in this area could disrupt the course of the river and have a serious impact on people living or working downstream.
These regulations exist for the benefit of those who live downstream from the factory and the children who would otherwise be working inside it.
A small reservoir damaged in the tremor was leaking, causing concern for residents living downstream, the agency said.
As someone once said about water pollution, we all live downstream.
The chemicals also reportedly caused skin and digestive problems among villagers living downstream from the mill.
People who wouldn't go near an atomic plant lived downstream from dams.
Over time the dam eroded to where it posed a potential threat to those living downstream.
In wet years, they must guard against drowning those who live downstream.
There is a saying, popular in the Northwest in these environmentally conscious times, that everyone lives downstream from someone else.