The show documents an artist's successful struggle to live creatively in the present.
A Manual for Living Creatively with One's Self.
Still,' he said, 'it's tough making any kind of living creatively.
A self-actualizer is a person who is living creatively and fully using his or her potentials.
The foundation has given seminars to thousands of people, along with workshops and support groups teaching the principles of living creatively in the Third Age.
Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity but on learning to live creatively with differences.
It gave mages a taste of the normal mortal life if they chose to try it, and they also had the chance to live creatively with their powers.
Because when the space is ordered, you're free to live creatively.
Ski bums living creatively are nothing new.
"Even if you're not going to be an artist, there's a way to live creatively."