This has historically been done at SMM in a liturgical style reflecting the convergence of Roman Catholic and Anglican influences.
The liturgical style found in the Japanese Orthodox Church community remains influenced by that of the Church in late 19th-century Russia.
The motets of these composers show their liturgical style in its purest form.
Presently, there is an array of different synagogues that cater to the community's many different backgrounds, customs and liturgical styles.
The church was famed for combining visual arts (particularly with the dance team) with a liturgical style.
This all-female quartet produces a beautifully blended sound and an unerring sense of medieval liturgical styles.
Anglican churches in Africa and Asia have recently moved from staid English prayer-book-style worship to a more indigenous, free-form liturgical style.
Instead, they tend to "shop around," weighing a pastor's personality, the liturgical style and activities that fit their way of life.
Ades attracts many visitors from Israel and abroad, in part because of its unique liturgical style.
Among the frustrations, he said, are a dearth of black priests and a formal liturgical style that some say inhibits emotional expression.