The book is not included in the liturgical readings of most traditions.
According to Hermann von Soden the manuscript was prepared for liturgical reading.
The manuscript is lacunose, it has marginalia, and was adapted for liturgical reading.
There is no a division according to the smaller Ammonian Sections; it was not prepared for liturgical reading.
Many such works were also referred to as Apocrypha, which originally connoted "secret writings", those that were rejected for liturgical public reading.
Bar 3:9-15, 24-4:4 is a liturgical reading for the Saturday of the same week.
Lectionary markings at the margin (for liturgical reading) were added by later hand.
Only in some places are given marks for liturgical readings.
It contains lectionary markings at the margin for liturgical reading, Synaxarion (later hand), and pictures.
It contains of lectionary markings at the margin for liturgical reading.