Basil established guidelines for monastic life which focus on community life, liturgical prayer, and manual labour.
Also, as Protestantism in the Philippines is relatively young, liturgical prayers tend to be more ecumenical.
(The Breslov practice of hitbodedut is in addition to the liturgical prayers.)
All liturgical prayers conclude with the words 'through our Lord Jesus Christ'.
The liturgical prayers follow the Hanafi tradition.
Working toward this end, the Monks' daily schedule reflects an integrated blend of liturgical and personal prayer, work, study, and prudent openness to the world.
In most Anglican prayer books, Mary is again mentioned by name in the liturgical prayers.
Several other liturgical prayers are taken from the book.
One doesn't miss out on the entire gamut of 'reality' just because one does liturgical prayer so many times a day.
This personal prayer differs from the alternative liturgical prayer of salat.