Fleshing out a little-known area of German art, "In the Footsteps of Goethe" is a worthwhile show.
"Revolutionary Mexico" minutely researches a little-known area, that of United States landed property in Mexico during the Diaz dictatorship.
"The Righteous Enemy" - thoughtful, carefully researched and, in a way, warming -explores a little-known area.
The company operates in a little-known area of niche financing - the New York taxi business - and its success depends in good part on management's expertise in that field.
But as fewer great objects come on the market each season, this has become a difficult task, especially for those dealers who specialize in areas little-known even to scholars.
Based in London, he makes travel documentaries in little-known areas of the world and has written books on international terrorism, modern history and about his adventures.
The killer thought he'd committed the perfect murder but a little-known area of forensic science would be his undoing.
At that time it was a very little-known area of the Russian Arctic.
Those who find wrecks riveting can also take a "Hidden Harbor Tour," a 90-minute boat ride that investigates little-known areas of the industrial waterfront.
Nevertheless, these volumes have drawn together many little-known areas of social insect and spider biology in lucid accounts.