Adam said, handing him a glass of Upper Canada Lager with a little wedge of lime.
Edgar got a kick in at Aaron's head, then screamed as the first of the bees reached him and bit, tearing a little wedge of flesh from his cheek.
A vast wooden cheese tray holds only nine sweaty little wedges.
Jack finished his little wedge of brie and, with a regretful glance at its source, jumped up beside her, curled into a ring and went to sleep.
Won't hurt to get a little wedge into that family, won't hurt at all.
Another little wedge between the partners.
The only poor shot I hit was at the 14th, when a little wedge went right over the green.
Securing little wedges of concession from the expert, issues on which he cannot be absolutely certain, and to maneuver for openings that can be exploited.
The Wolf-Brother and his little wedge of armored men hewed into the southerners' left flank, throwing dozens of them down with their first strikes.
Well, I can wait out the day here with more poultice,' he said, pulling the little wedge from one of the pockets of his belt.