With a sardonic little smirk he explained, "They probably think you're spying on them."
He said it with a little smirk to let them know it really had been a revelation.
Even so, he allowed himself a little smirk of pride.
I gave him a smug little smirk that spoke volumes.
"You can't be afraid to get yelled at," she says with a little smirk of recognition.
That, Eve thought, had wiped the sassy little smirk off her aide's face.
Oz gave me a cynical little smirk, and I couldn't blame him.
"One does one's best," I said with a little smirk.
Wendell asked with a little smirk as though to say that was an impossibility.
"Knock it off, or you and that little smirk can drive to Texas alone for all I care."