So, there's pictures of 33,000 little penises and vaginas out there this generation alone?
They Have a look at the Puppies and Roger exclaims that one of them has a "little penis!"
And Gwen says, "If that's how you feel, you can just take your little penis and run along home now."
Adam's famous little penis was captured with a single brushstroke: a flick of the wrist, and the first man had his manhood.
He drew tribes of little girls, and gave some of them little penises.
Then she would reach into his lap and point his little penis down into the toilet.
Winkler would have known Hebrew, understood his people, had a close and trusting relationship with his little penis.
Their fragile little penises detached during mating, leaving a small fleshy plug in the female that her body absorbed.
She grabbed the back of his head and bent him over to see his little penis lying across the bottom blade of the open scissors.
She led him to the sexview stalls, his fly still open and his little penis peeping out pitifully.