Fortuitous and provisional, the little nosegay broke all the rules of traditional good taste.
Always hovering about, reading to her, bringing her little nosegays of flowers.
She had such an exquisite little nosegay in her hand.
And yet there was more significance, perhaps, and perhaps a greater consolation, in this little nosegay on the grave of one who had died old.
So she rubbed them out, and drew little nosegays and likenesses of me and Jip, all over the tablets.
'It's only a little nosegay,' said Joe, reddening.
This day the child had brought a tight little nosegay of pinks, white ones, with a rim of pink ones.
We all left little nosegays made from the wild flowers that bloomed with such carefree abundance all over the island.
The Incorruptible, his power now at its zenith, was holding a little nosegay of flowers.
She gazed at the little nosegay in rising astonishment.