And I think that gives us a really interesting - that's something we've never had before, a really interesting look into the development of an exploit from the first little itch that something might be possible.
"A man who kept himself to himself," Kate murmured, still trying to scratch the little itch at the back of her brain.
But the pain was cumulative: the acid worked its way in, and what had been an odd little mild itch turned quickly to agony.
The second thing I've done, by leaving the left side of the slide blank, is create a little itch.
It started small, like the little itch in those few square inches of back that no amount of writhing will allow you to scratch, and grew until it became a second, red-hot, internal sun.
The reason it's funny is because it happened at the same time the Champ case was still active and when those photos came in I got a little itch on them.
Nothing to go on, of course, just that little itch.
"I think I've got a little itch in here, too," he said.
A little itch developed in her fingertip, an itch to take the shot.
These entailed authentic poking and prodding, not annoying little itches that lacked the courage of their convictions.