On top of the curve, to the right of the peak, he adds a little hump.
It also has a little hump that looks somewhat like a wave.
Sometimes the little humps shot each other.
You can see the missile hutches, there, those little round humps that look like spotlights at the base of the wall.
"We're asking God to get us over that little hump so we can save ourselves," he said.
The ridge, after the little "hump" they were on, steepened out and about four hundred feet over their head went straight vertical for a while.
At the downstream end it rose into a little hump.
She was wearing silvery tights, plus a little hump like a knapsack.
'They smooth out life's little humps and bumps,' he said.
The green has a little hump, and there can be some testing pin placements.