A human couple might have paused before exiting the little grotto, looking around to imprint the site of their first lovemaking.
Dozens of tunnels led to pleasant little grottoes set with trees.
The chapel was a side cave, a nice little intimate grotto nestling up against the great hall.
So I tried the outdoor whirlpool, which was not quite hot enough for my taste but had a nice little grotto tucked behind a waterfall.
People topped off their suit tanks from the running water in their little grottoes.
The water was still running in all the little grottoes.
In the garden below the house is a little grotto dedicated to Delia.
It is a boozy little grotto with soft lighting where a pint goes for two and a quarter.
The little grotto was filled with melancholy.
Ragna chose a charming little grotto near one of the under- ground streams that flowed through these caverns.