She heard a crunch, as of a footstep, and a little frisson of fear ran down her spine.
A wild little frisson ran along her nerves at the tone she could detect in his voice now.
She promised that, Rhyssa remarked, though a little frisson of tension shivered down her back.
Her tone was blunt and dismissive, but Maggie sensed a little frisson of fear beneath.
Jackie automatically placed her hand in his, then blinked at the little frisson of awareness the contact caused.
The heart misses a beat, the brain scrambles, there's a little frisson that says, "This can't be happening."
Naturally, he wanted to impress his colleagues, set up a little frisson, as he'd have put it.
A little frisson of panic sliced up her back, and she began to back away around the bed.
She was aware of constant little frissons across her para senses.
But then what would All Saints' Day be without a little frisson of terror?